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Estamos aqui para ajudar com suas necessidades automotivas e financeiras.

A garage with signage displaying the words 'CARÈS Car Storage & Services' on a glass door. Part of a sports car with a large rear spoiler, visible from the back, occupies the right side of the image, with 'LUCID Detailing' on its license plate.
A garage with signage displaying the words 'CARÈS Car Storage & Services' on a glass door. Part of a sports car with a large rear spoiler, visible from the back, occupies the right side of the image, with 'LUCID Detailing' on its license plate.


Estamos localizados para atender suas necessidades em veículos novos e serviços financeiros. Entre em contato para mais informações.


Rua Exemplo, 123, Cidade


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